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George Gaylord Simpson [8]George G. Simpson [1]
  1.  18
    Biology and man.George Gaylord Simpson - 1969 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  2. This Is Race. An Anthology Selected from the International Literature on the Races of Man.Earl W. Count, Carleton S. Coon, Stanley M. Garn, Joseph B. Birdsell, George Gaylord Simpson & Ashley Montagu - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (1):68-74.
  3.  35
    Horotely, Bradytely, and Tachytely.George Gaylord Simpson - unknown
    t is abundantly evident that rates of evolution vary. They vary greatly from group to group, and even among closely related lineages there may be strikingly different rates. Differences in rates of evolution, and not only divergent evolution at comparable rates, are among the reasons for the great diversity of organisms on the earth. Among the living primates there are, for instance, some rather unspecialized or primitive prosimians (i.e., little changed from Eocene progenitors), a larger number of divergently specialized prosimians, (...)
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  4.  25
    One Hundred Years without Darwin are Enough.George G. Simpson - unknown
    uppose that the most fundamental and general principle of a science had been known for over a century and had long since become a main basis for understanding and research by scientists in that field. You would surely assume that the principle would be taken as a matter of course by everyone with even a nodding acquaintance with the science. It would obviously be taught everywhere as basic to the science at any level of education. If you think that about (...)
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  5. Section A. phylogeny 29.George Gaylord Simpson - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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